Find Alan’s Monograph Here: “Strange Drugs make for Strange Bedfellows”
Alan Piper has published a fascinating array of papers over the last few years. Check out his blog here: intothemystic
The Invisible College is happy to have him aboard as an author and compatriot.
A Bit About Alan:
Alan Piper was born in 1953 and graduated as a mature student in 1986 in the History of Ideas at Kingston University (Surrey). Alan’s earlier experiences both with psychedelics and in new age religious movements left him with an enduring interest in the history of esoteric ideas. Published papers include ‘The Mysterious Origins of the Word “Marihuana”’ in the series Sino-Platonic Papers, ‘Gabriele Rossetti and the Secret History of Europe’ in the journal The Invisible College and ‘Leo Perutz and the Mystery of St Peter’s Snow’ in the journal Time and Mind, which concerns an Austrian novel from 1933 whose narrative contains a mysteriously detailed prediction of the discovery of LSD. His paper ‘A 1930s Harvard Psychedelic Circle’, which describes the use of peyote by a number of Harvard professors and undergraduates of that era, who later became important figures in worlds of literature and music is due to appear in the next edition of the journal The Invisible College.
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