Invisible College #12 “Psychedelics & The Occult”

We are happy to announce the publication of the Invisible College # 12, “Psychedelics & The Occult.”

This the 12th issue of The Invisible College is dedicated to our dear friend Diane Darling who passed suddenly in January.

Diane contributed frequently to the review, as well as served as editor on “The Hasheesh Eater & Other Writings”. Her contributions to the wider community don’t stop here of course. She founded the She Shaman’s Confrence, was the Editor for The Green Egg for many years as well. An amazing spirit, a friend of the deepest sort. She is missed.

From where things are at this point, this issue is the last for The Invisible College. 12 issues is a good number. We will be reissuing the older copies soon.

This is our largest edition. I think you’ll be thrilled with it all.

Bright Blessings, Thank You for Your Support!


An Unveiling  Video From Liba Stambollion! 

Dedication – Diane Darling
Hakim Bey
On The Forthcoming Publication of Divine Inebriation Part 1
from Silsila (Book Two: The Cywanu Trilogy – Whit Griffin
Auntie Etha’s Cow Lip Tea (“An Early Case of the Use of a Coprophilous, Possibly Entheogenic, Fungus in African American Folk Healing”) – P.D. Newman
The Golden Path – A. Andrew Gonzalez
Hymn For The Azure Soul – Dalton Miller
Egungun Of Benin – Michael Landau
Absinthe: Artemisia absinthium – Dale Pendell
Nepenthe – Gwyllm
Acacia: the philosophical mercury of Zosimos, Paracelsus, and Newton
– Khalil Reda
Thoughts Upon the Bacchae
The Dream & Divinities Tarot – Liba Stambollion
Adios Will Penna

Truly an amazing volume of the Invisible College. 160 pages plus, with art, psychedelic mysteries revealed, poetry, and much more.

A Small Gallery of some of the Art! Click on the images to enlarge:

A PDF To Check This Edition Out:

Invisible College #12 sample

I want to thank all who have contributed to The Invisible College over the years, either with contributions to the various issues, or by purchasing a copy or copies. It has been our profound joy to bring The Invisible College to the world.


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Invisible College #12 "Psychedelics & The Account

Invisible College #12 “Psychedelics & The Occult

$29.00 – $50.00

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Divine Inebriation!

Nearly 200 pages, a hybrid of sorts, combining my art work over the last 2 decades with chronicles of adventures along the path as well.
It has been a long time coming. I started discussing this book with Dale & Laura Pendell around 2010-2011 and started assembly 6 years ago. I gave up on it a few times, changed direction and when I finished up on the design…
Illustrations done for the Invisible College (a review I have been publishing for 15 years or more. It was started on the recommendation of the late great artist Robert Venosa & his wonderful partner Martina Hoffmann). There are sections as well for my visionary work, and for Radio EarthRites, another project spanning 17 years.
The writing covers various adventures from the mid 60’s to the present. Some of the entries are entheogenically fueled, others not so much.
This book is the first in a series of three that I have been contemplating producing. The second one is now in the works.
I will let everyone know when this edition is finally published, and available!
Thanks for the kind support!

Invisible College #11, “Alchemy”!

So Happy to announce the publication of The Invisible College #11, “Alchemy!”  It has been a heck of a wait, but this is a great edition!

Sorry Shipping to Australia/New Zealand at this time is off the table due to Post Office Restrictions…  

Invisible College #11 “Alchemy”

The offerings this time out is really quite nice….

Gwyllm Llwydd Publisher, Editor & Illustrator of The Invisible College.
Perhaps one of the oldest arts that could be considered Alchemical would-be ceramics. We are featuring the ceramics of Andrea O’Reilly: “Art Of The Four Elements”… in this ancient field, which is a first for The Invisible College.
P.D Newman returns to the Invisible College with an excerpt from his new book, “Angels in Vermillion”, The Philosophers Stone from Dee to DMT. It makes for a great read.
We are very pleased to present the poetry of Whit Griffin, an excerpt from his new book, “Uncanny Resonance”. Whit’s poetry is some of the very best of our current poets in the US.
We are happy to present “Psychognosis” along with the beautiful art of the author Daniel Mirante. His art work, his teaching and his understanding of the Alchemical process is nicely laid out in his article.
We are pleased to present the art of Madeline von Foerster in “Alchemy Expressed Through Surrealism” . Amazing artwork, beautifully surreal; executed in the oil and egg tempera mische technique developed by the Flemish Masters.
We have an interview with Sasha Chaitow whose new book “Atalanta Unveiled” is causing quite a stir in alchemical circles in Europe and the USA. This is quite a wide ranging interview in only the way that Ronnie Pontiac can conduct an interview.
Laurence Caruana shares both his art and his journey through alchemy with us in his article “Speculum Alchemae”. The details of his Alchemical journey from the 1990’s in Montreal, to his life now in Europe. Laurence’s art is a bonus to this article, he is well known in the Visionary School, and in fact one of the founders of The Academy of Visionary Art in Vienna, now residing in France.
Holly Van Fleet returns to this edition with more of her concise writings and “Alchemical Musings”.
So, you can purchase the new edition either here, or at our new publisher, Barne’s & Noble. 

Unfortunately at this time we cannot ship to New Zealand or Australia, re Covid etc.

Invisible College # 11w/Shipping

Directly Purchase from Barne’s & Noble.
Invisible College #11 at Barne’s & Noble

Any Questions?

The Invisible College PDF’s!
The first 5 Editions, now online for your viewing & downloading pleasure!

10th Edition “For The Goddess”

We have reached a landmark! 10th edition of the Invisible College Review, “For The Goddess”
Our first all woman offering, showcasing some amazing talents:

Laura Pendell (our first featured poetry, returning with new work!)
Shasta Fox
Holly Van Fleet

Leana Alba
Hildegard Von Bingen

Carrie Ann Baade
Kim Evans

You can get your copy via the menu above, or from this link:Tenth Edition: “For The Goddess”
We are very excited about this issue, charting new territories, and moving into the next iteration of The Invisible College Review.
Order your copy now!

Invisible College 9th Edition!


Finally, after all of that wait!
Yet it was worth the wait. Watching the Review (Review now, not magazine) transform over time. Up to the last minute, edits going in, changes, images being changed out. The concept of theme, and definition of mission within the theme.
Heady times.

We think this is the best edition yet, 1/3 more pages 148 in total, without commercials, ads, that stuff. Pure Culture, Revelation, Art, Poetry, Articles.
Support the effort, the time has arrived.
The art work of such notables as Martina Hoffmann, Robert Venosa,Pascal Ferry, Noel Taylor
The in-depth articles of Alan Piper, P.D.Newman & Gwyllm Llwydd.
The Poetry of Dale Pendell, Michael Conner and more.

Bright Blessings,

What’s Happening!


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